The Scope and Aim of Digital Channels (Introduction)

Digital Channels - Wylie Blanchard

What is a Digital Channel?

A digital channel can be defined as a technological interface connected to the world-wide-web for the purpose of facilitating communication.

About this Article Series.

In this series of articles, we’ll explore the role of digital media and communication technologies utilized in business communication efforts and review the multiple channels offered today.

Interactive Social Intelligence - Wylie Blanchard

Three Defining Features of Today’s Digital Media Technologies

In this article, we’ll identify three defining features of today’s digital media and how they impact digital communication. 1. Interactive media is the ability to interact with computerized information and content in ways that are similar to how we interact with humans. For example, the website offers several ways for you to comprehend the meaning of a word or phrase (definit…

Digital Media Technologies can Overcome the Challenges within Mass Communication

In this article, we’ll explore the disadvantages of a mass communication approach to Business-To-Consumer (B2C) communication and how digital media technologies can help overcome these issues. One disadvantage for businesses that use mass communication is that they cannot accurately identify demand for their products and services because their delivery method focuses on reaching the largest…

Wylie Blanchard - Digital Media Technologies Overcome Challenges within Mass Communication
Website Considerations that Impact Business Communication - Wylie Blanchard

Website Considerations that Impact Business Communication

In this article, we’ll explore three things that businesses should consider when assessing how it communicates through its website. Consider what a website visitor needs from your website prior to other considerations.  It is important to know what users expect to encounter when they use a website. For instance, business communications like marketing messages and informational readings…