Trainer/Teacher Speaker Wylie Blanchard - Keynote Business Technology Speaker - Workshops Social Mobile Analytics Cloud Wylie Blanchard | Business Technology Expert, Digital Executive Advisor & Speaker - Wylie Blanchard Mon, 19 Feb 2024 19:43:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/cropped-Wylie-Blanchard-profile-photo_202008_IMG_7092_1100x1100-32x32.jpg Trainer/Teacher Speaker Wylie Blanchard - Keynote Business Technology Speaker - Workshops Social Mobile Analytics Cloud 32 32 61397150 2+2 Information Technology and Management Bachelor’s Degree Program – College of DuPage Sun, 07 Apr 2019 14:24:42 +0000 If you live in or near the DuPage County Illinois area and know someone who’s interested in a career as a Technology professional, then it’s time you learned about College of DuPage’s 2+2 Information Technology and Management Bachelor’s Degree transfer program in collaboration with the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). Students attending the College of DuPage (COD) can complete […]

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College of DuPage + Illinois Institute of Technology - Wylie Blanchard
2+2 Bachelor’s Degree transfer programs – College of DuPage and the Illinois Institute of Technology

If you live in or near the DuPage County Illinois area and know someone who’s interested in a career as a Technology professional, then it’s time you learned about College of DuPage’s 2+2 Information Technology and Management Bachelor’s Degree transfer program in collaboration with the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT).

Students attending the College of DuPage (COD) can complete their associate’s degree from COD and then complete their bachelor’s degree in Information Technology and Management (ITM) from Illinois Institute of Technology in just four years.

Alternatively, students can follow the two transfer guides that the schools have available online:

ITM Guide for COD and who plan to major in Information Technology and Management which outlines the core requirements of the program and the COD to IIT Information Technology and Management transfer guide which helps students identify which courses from COD’s CIT and CIS programs that meet the elective requirements of IIT’s ITM program.

Not interested in Information Technology and Management, no problem. There are more 2+2 Transfer Programs offered by COD that allow students to complete 2 years at COD and another 2 years at a college/university to complete a bachelor’s degree. The college also has 3+1 Transfer Programs in partnership with several four-year colleges/universities, that help students help earn their B.A. or B.S. degree in several academic programs.

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Spring of 2019 – Windows Operating Systems Sun, 23 Dec 2018 10:59:18 +0000 Wow, it is almost 2019. I can barely believe that I have been educating students at the College of DuPage (COD) since 2016. Time really does fly. This semester I’m teaching Windows PC Desktop Operating Systems and Introduction to Windows Servers which are courses offered by COD’s Computer & Information Technology (CIT) program. In addition to […]

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College of DuPage - College Rd_Wylie Blanchard

Wow, it is almost 2019. I can barely believe that I have been educating students at the College of DuPage (COD) since 2016. Time really does fly. This semester I’m teaching Windows PC Desktop Operating Systems and Introduction to Windows Servers which are courses offered by COD’s Computer & Information Technology (CIT) program. In addition to being academic courses that apply toward graduation, both courses also prepare students to become a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) – meaning that my course content and my in-class project-labs prepare students for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) certification exams.

I am highly excited to teach these courses during the upcoming semester.

Launch your IT Career with course CIT-1710 Introduction to Servers and CIT-1612 Windows PC Desktop Operating Systems.
Become an Enterprise System Administrator by obtaining the  CIT.CER.SYSADM field of study certification and/or get your Associate Degree in Applied Science for Computer and Information Technology. You can also use these course to help prepare yourself for MCSA exams.

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Spring of 2018 – Introduction to Servers Sat, 23 Dec 2017 16:28:03 +0000 It’s official, I’m scheduled to teach CIT-1710, Introduction to Servers, in Spring of 2018 with the College of DuPage’s Computer and Internetworking Technologies (CIT) program. The course primarily focuses on how to install the operating system, implement storage and Hyper-V solutions, and manage server environments. The best part is that the course material (virtual labs and textbook) has finally […]

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College of DuPage Welcome - College Rd - Wylie Blanchard

It’s official, I’m scheduled to teach CIT-1710, Introduction to Servers, in Spring of 2018 with the College of DuPage’s Computer and Internetworking Technologies (CIT) program. The course primarily focuses on how to install the operating system, implement storage and Hyper-V solutions, and manage server environments. The best part is that the course material (virtual labs and textbook) has finally been updated to Windows Server 2016 which is the most current version of Windows. Thank you, Tony Chen and/or Felix Davis.

Note: The description for CIT-1710 on states that it prepares students for a CompTIA Server+ certification exam, which is incorrect. It is actually a Windows Server course that helps prepare students for the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) certification exam.

With the update from Windows Server 2012 to 2016, I’m highly excited to teach this course during the upcoming semester.

Launch your IT Career with course, CIT-1710 Introduction to Servers.
Become an Enterprise System Administrator by obtaining the CIT.CER.SYSADM field of study certification and/or get your Associate Degree in Applied Science for Computer and Internetworking Technologies. You can also use this course to help prepare yourself for MCSA exam 70-740.


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3+1 Computer Science Bachelor’s Degree Program – College of DuPage Sat, 12 Aug 2017 06:48:17 +0000 If you live in or near the DuPage County Illinois area and know someone who’s interested in a career as an Information Technology professional, then it’s time you learned about College of DuPage’s 3+1 Computer Science Bachelor’s Degree Program. Students attending the College of DuPage (COD) can now earn their associate’s degree from COD and their […]

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Lewis University - College of DuPage - Wylie Blanchard
College of DuPage and Lewis University 3+1 Bachelor’s Degree transfer program.

If you live in or near the DuPage County Illinois area and know someone who’s interested in a career as an Information Technology professional, then it’s time you learned about College of DuPage’s 3+1 Computer Science Bachelor’s Degree Program.

Students attending the College of DuPage (COD) can now earn their associate’s degree from COD and their Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Lewis University in just four years.

Start with an
AAS Degree in Computer Internetworking Technologies leading to BS in Computer Science,

Finish with a
Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Lewis University.

Not interested in Computer Science, no problem. There are several 3+1 programs offered by COD, in partnership with several four-year colleges/universities, that help students help earn their B.A. or B.S. degree in several academic programs. In addition, the college also has traditional 2+2 Transfer Programs that allow students to complete 2 years at COD and another 2 years at a college/university to complete a bachelor’s degree.

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Launch your IT Career Today. Sat, 04 Feb 2017 15:00:09 +0000 A friend calls me to ask if he can sit in on my class. My answer… Of course. Ready for a career change? Need to learn a new skill? Consider reaching out to someone at your local community college. Look at the upcoming schedule and then reach out to the instructor of the class of your […]

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Winter Feb 2017 College of DuPage - Wylie Blanchard

A friend calls me to ask if he can sit in on my class. My answer… Of course.

Ready for a career change? Need to learn a new skill? Consider reaching out to someone at your local community college. Look at the upcoming schedule and then reach out to the instructor of the class of your interest. If you don’t need the college credit then often times you can audit (sit in on) the class.

This semester, I’m teaching CIT-1612 and CIT-1613 with the College of DuPage’s Computer and Internetworking Technologies (CIT) program which helps students prepare for Microsoft Certified Solution Associate (MCSA) certification exams, in addition to being applied to college credit for the CIT AAS Degree. Both courses are great opportunities to learn something new about the Windows Operating System. My CIT-1612, Windows PC Desktop Operating Systems, course started last month and has been a great class thus far. I’m grateful that my colleague Tony Chen pushed to ensure that we are using the latest version of Windows OS for our virtual labs and textbook. In my opinion, it’s always best to teach the most recent technology, regardless of how widely adopted it is today. Since most businesses will not be using the latest version of Windows, it gives the students a confidence boost knowing that they’ll have experience with the tools and technologies that their current and/or future employer may not be aware of just yet. My CIT-1613, Enterprise Desktop PC Support Technician, course starts next month and is a continuation of CIT-1612, however, it covers a different MCSA exam.

A future objective is to update CIT-1710, Introduction to Servers, course material from Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2016. FYI, The description for CIT-1710 on states that it prepares students for a CompTIA Server+ certification exam, which is incorrect. It is actually a Windows Server course that helps prepare students for MCSA certification exam.

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